"“The medical examination was done by doctor Schreinerová and the surgical procedure by doctor Smorádková. I would like to express my gratitude to them. I can see everything in a way I could not have ever imagined before. Thank you.”"
Jaroslav has spent the last few years on the road. In the summer, the colorful world under the sea attracts him the most, which he could not completely enjoy with the dioptries of – 3, 75. The staff of our clinic convinced him to undergo a laser surgery: „A team, in which the staff and especially the primary physician, have undergone the laser surgery, is an illustration of professionalism and quality. “
„Glasses have been making my life „better” for more than thirty years. When I was sixteen, I tried contact lenses; however, they were hurting my eyes and caused itching. Therefore, I learned how to do everything with glasses on my nose including sports, even gymnastics.“ There was only one sporting activity I had to put them away for. „I am an avid diver. For me, in order to have a look at all the beauty beneath the sea, I had to dive in even deeper. “
This mysterious world under the sea was the reason why he has decided to get rid of his glasses after thirty years. „I had been considering this for more than four years. The whole time I was trying to convince myself that there is no need to poke into something when it is working, more or less at least. Even my neighbor had been dissuading me from this due to her atrocious experience that happened a few years back in her family, “ Jaroslav chuckles.
„However, I was not afraid. Already at the first contact with the clinic, I was positive that I am in the right place. In standard hospitals you have a feeling that you are extremely annoying to everyone. At your Eye Clinics I have experienced a great friendly approach which I find to be an extremely important aspect of this experience. When it comes to my health, I need more than a top and excellent diagnostics, technology and world-class experienced surgeons. I need to feel that I am perceived as a human being and a patient and not as a number from a health record. I have found all of this at the Eye Clinics. I am very observant to little details and that is why I feel different at this clinic. I was delighted by the change of paintings on the walls. This mini exhibition in the building of the clinic has left me with a pleasant impression.”
The quality became the main indicator when it came to my choice of the Eye Clinic “I saw that the primary physician and other members of his team have undergone laser surgeries and other procedures. This incredible trust in what they were doing tipped my balance in their favor. These days, I am convincing a lot of my friends and relatives to never try to save money when it comes to their health, or their eyes for that matter. Nobody can afford to save money on their health, especially our head and eyes- they are our most important means of productivity, none of us can afford to skimp on that.”
In these last couple of months, Jaroslav has been finishing one of his working stages. After ten years of working for United Nations Development Program, the headquarters is moving from Bratislava to the Turkish Istanbul. “I am closing a working stage of my life. I have decided to stay in Slovakia with my family. Instead of changing my hair, I decided to change my look – from now on, I am living without glasses,” Jaroslav smiled.
“The medical examination was done by doctor Schreinerová and the surgical procedure by doctor Smorádková. I would like to express my gratitude to them. I can see everything in a way I could not have ever imagined before. Thank you.”